
The maintenance of light box

Light box signs for its nice, strong advertising, and widely used by the majority of businesses, but the maintenance of light boxes has become a big problem, many businesses do not know how to maintain and maintain the light box, the light box life dropped, light box Maintenance and maintenance, to extend the life of the light box is the first storage.Because the LED should be stored in a dry and ventilated environment, the storage temperature is -40 ℃ - + 100 ℃, relative humidity below 85%. This wall mounted LED light box of the packaging has a higher demand, if the light box on the cold environment should consider this factor, more rainy cities should pay attention to the waterproof performance of light boxes, good waterlogging measures to increase the light box life,And then clean the light box is clean, to be very careful attention, and some light boxes produced by the production of light boxes waterproof is not good, easy to seepage, which led to the use of unidentified chemical liquid cleaning, because it may damage the LED resin surface, Even cause colloid cracks.

